Friday, January 29, 2010


Being unsatisfied with other flac to mp3 conversion tools out there, I wrote a quick perl script to get the job done. It even handles ID3 tags. Lack of this feature was my problem with other tools.

The command would be run by ./flac2mp3 *.flac


foreach $argnum (0 .. $#ARGV)
my $flac = $ARGV[$argnum];
$flac =~ s/.flac$//;
$flac =~ s/"/\\"/g; #escape "

my $tagdata = `metaflac --export-tags-to=- \"$flac.flac\"`;

$tagdata =~ s/"/\\"/g; #escape "

# print "$tagdata\n";
$tagdata =~ s/TITLE=/--tt "/;
$tagdata =~ s/ALBUM=/--tl "/;
$tagdata =~ s/ARTIST=/--ta "/;
$tagdata =~ s/GENRE=/--tg "/;
$tagdata =~ s/TRACKNUMBER=/--tn "/;
$tagdata =~ s/DATE=.*(\d{4}).*/--ty "$1/;
# $tagdata =~ s/DISCNUMBER=/--tv cd="/;

$tagdata =~ s/\n/" \n/gm; #add " and space to the end of every line
$tagdata =~ s/^[^--].*|\n//gm; #remove extra data and make all one line
# print "$tagdata\n";

# print "flac -d \"$flac.flac\" -o - | lame -V 2 -h $tagdata - -o \"$flac.mp3\"\n";

system("flac -d \"$flac.flac\" -o - | lame -V 1 -h $tagdata - -o \"$flac.mp3\"");

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